Invention No. 1 (2019)
Acrylic polymer structure, water, goldfish, image, water hyacinth, algae, metal, aluminum rail, aluminum tubing, glass, rocks, injection molded plastic, plastic tubing, coins, speakers, soundtrack.
Under the Tongue
color, sound, 10min 33sec, 2018
lighting component to Under the Tongue video installation
light, rasberry pi controller, daisies, glass, plastic
untitled (2017)
steel armature, latex, incense
arrangements .. (2017)
high gloss inkjet print, uv exposed image, magnets
In one thousand years the polar icecaps will have melted into the Seas, giving them a flavoring of lemonade ... (2014).
steel armature, glass, basket dipped in dove soap, sunchair, plaster, carpet, croissant, mirror, blanket, reading of science-fiction script based on Charles Fourier's utopian configuration of the Phalanstere
color, sound, 8min 14sec, 2015
color, sound, 9min 40sec, 2017
in collaboration w/ Alice Wang